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Transformation Coordinates, Method of coordinate operation
Transformations describe a mapping between two coordinate systems. Moslty, both coordinate systems have the same type. Transformation parameters are determined a posteriori by measurements and have an accuracy.
Transformations have geometric conditions like:
  • straights are mapped to straights
  • conformity (e.g. Helmert-transformation)
Often transformation methods are chosen based on the conditions on the geometric properties.
When applying transformations to coordinate reference systems, in the most cases the datum changes.
[Voser 2007]
2D-Transformations Coordinates, Method of coordinate operation
  • shift
  • rotation
  • scaling
  • helmert (shift, scaling, rotation, 4-parameters)
  • affine
  • FINELTRA (finite elements)-transformation
[Voser 2007]
3D-Transformations Coordinates, Method of coordinate operation
  • shift
  • rotation
  • scaling
  • helmert (shift, scaling, rotation, 7-parameters)
  • affine
[Voser 2007]