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Karta Mira - Russian World Map Geoinformation/Geodata Map Projection
Russian World Map: a topographical map serie 1:2500000, 234 Map sheets.
The map projection is a composed system:
  • two polar zones (from ±90° to ±60° in latidute) are constructed on the polar azimutal eqidistat projection with the standard parallel ± 76°, for which the local scale factor along meridians equals 0.99.
  • Four other zones (two for each hemisphere) are based on the equidistant conic projection (De L'Isle- Projection):
  • the first zone from ±24° to ±64° with standard parallels ±32° and ±64°,
  • and the second zone from 0 to ±24°, with standard paralles ±4° and ±21°